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Meet a Woman Determined to Find a Cure for Type 2 Diabetes Hundreds of millions of people worldwide have type 2 diabetes. And Chiara Magnone has her sights set on changing what it means to live with the condition, as well as how common complications like ...

  Discovery Initiating a new age of pulmonary hypertension (PH) research to address unmet needs in the patient journey. We are initiating a new age of pulmonary hypertension (PH) research by holistically addressing unmet needs across the patient journey. ...

Patience, Perseverance and Partnership   We envision a world where cancer is a preventable, chronic or curable disease. To get there, we’re focused on developing solutions that prolong and improve patient lives. In this post, we’re proud to introduce you ...

Partner with Janssen in Immunology Partnerships established today drive the solutions of tomorrow. Our network is expansive and draws on a variety of collaborations and partnerships with experts in their fields. As a member of the Janssen Pharmaceutical ...

Unlocking the Microbiome to Find Breakthrough Solutions That Promote Health Our focus is on accelerating the translation of the compelling science of the microbiome into breakthrough solutions that promote health.  To achieve this, we are partnering with ...

Clinical Trial Diversity: Putting Thought to Action to Develop Sustainable Improvements   The lack of diversity in clinical trials has been recognized as a major impediment to healthcare equality for decades. Unfortunately, attempts to increase ...

JEN BEACHELL VICE PRESIDENT DISEASE AREA COMMERCIAL LEADER AUTOANTIBODY Jennifer Beachell is Vice President, Disease Area Commercial Leader, Autoantibody, within the Immunology Therapeutic Area at Janssen Research & Development, LLC. In this role, Jen ...

Clinical Trials Clinical trials are conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of medicines and medical devices, and are essential steps in developing effective new medicines and treatments. Janssen companies sponsor and support clinical trials in more ...

Discovery and Early Development “We focus our deep expertise and understanding of disease biology and scientific innovation on specific tumor types with the greatest need for new treatment options.” Jeff Infante, M.D. Vice President, Oncology Early ...

RUXANDRA DRAGHIA-AKLI, M.D., Ph.D. GLOBAL HEAD JOHNSON & JOHNSON GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH R&D JANSSEN RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Ruxandra Draghia-Akli, M.D., Ph.D., is Global Head, Johnson & Johnson Global Public Health R&D. In this role, ...



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