We are focused on tackling complex infectious diseases, finding the right paths of intervention, and ensuring they reach those in need. We are committed to empowering patients through disease education and lifestyle information.
Janssen supports several informative websites that can help patients, caregivers and families arm themselves with up-to-date, reliable information about HIV, hepatitis and more. Some of these resources include:
Our support for National Aids Manual (NAM), a United Kingdom-based non-profit organization, allowed them to put www.infohep.org — a useful online reference for viral hepatitis news, networking and other materials — online. NAM worked in partnership with the European Liver Patients Association (ELPA).
Our support for National Aids Manual (NAM), a United Kingdom-based non-profit organization, allowed them to create www.aidsmap.com, a useful online reference for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and AIDS news, networking and other materials.
The Care4Today® app, developed by Janssen Healthcare Innovation, helps people keep track of their medical needs, including medication and appointment reminders.