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Oncology Research


Cancer claims over seven million lives every year and the number continues to rise. Deaths are estimated to reach 12 million by 2030. We aim to transform cancer into a preventable, chronic or curable disease by delivering extraordinary diagnostic and therapeutic solutions that prolong and improve patients’ lives. We are committed to delivering targeted therapies to fight the devastation of cancer.

Disease Backgrounders:

Bugs in your code

If you suffer from cancer, a cell has started endlessly duplicating itself because its programmes have copied incorrectly or are corrupted. Cells in the human body reproduce and copy their DNA billions of times a day but, incredibly, they make so few mistakes that only about one in 27 of us will suffer cancer before the age of 50!
Scientific advances increase our understanding of the human body – from unravelling the structure of DNA and reading its text, to understanding the errors in our genetic code that can cause cancer.

With a little help from nature

Many drugs in use were originally derived from natural sources. Scientists still develop drugs from nature by isolating and purifying the molecules that produce beneficial effects. Consider the discovery of a drug for treating cancer derived from sea squirts.

Bringing a new drug to life

One of our Oncology therapeutic areas concentrates on Multiple Myeloma, an incurable blood cancer that starts in the bone marrow and is characterized by an excess amount of abnormal plasma cells.

Rare Diseases: fast facts

Multiple Myeloma : fast facts
  • Multiple Myeloma primarily strikes the elderly (people older than 65)
  • Symptoms include bone pain, anaemia, fatigue and more frequent infections
  • Multiple Myeloma can now be managed through innovative medicines.
Did you know?

Janssen has a range of product-specific and disease area websites for patients and their caregivers.